ServiceNow San Diego Flow Diagramming | Flow Designer stuff #Shorts

In this short vid (apologies on the edit) I take a look at Flow Diagramming in Flow Designer on ServiceNow San Diego. Comes with new San Diego instance or may need a plugin installing/updating if upgrading from another version. Plugin = Flow Diagramming. For further info see the below release notes:!/store/application/a4f5f4d7ca80209b2a32be23119ae821/21.1.1?referer=%2Fstore%2Fsearch%3Flistingtype%3Dallintegrations%25253Bancillary_app%25253Bcertified_apps%25253Bcontent%25253Bindustry_solution%25253Boem%25253Butility%25253Btemplate%26q%3Dflow&sl=sh Done on San Diego PDI. Install, Explore and Enjoy! #FlowDiagramming #FlowDesigner


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